ザ・ノースフェイス「三浦雄一郎氏 エベレスト登頂ウェア」
THE NORTH FACE Mr.Yuichiro Miura Everest今なお現役のプロスキーヤーで登山家としても活躍する三浦雄一郎氏をゴールドウインは10年以上に渡りサポートし続けている。75歳でエベレスト登頂を果たした際に着用していた「The North Face」のアウターは彼が肌身離さず着用していたアイテムであり、-40度の世界、そして時に容赦なく吹き付ける強風から三浦氏を守った。ゴールドウインが開発した身体機能を最大限にサポートする究極のアウターであり、中綿には光電子素材を使用。汗の水蒸気を外へ透過させ、体の熱は逃がさない構造を実現した。さらに外からの風をシャットアウトし、暖かさは保つという、防風&保温機能を極限まで高めた1着だ。「まるで羽毛布団を着ているような暖かさだった」と三浦氏は当時を振り返っている。ゴールドウインは1978年から「The North Face」の販売をスタートした。アパレルはもちろん、テントやバックパックといった幅広い商品を展開してきた。「The North Face」は日本人のライフスタイルに溶け込んでいった。ブランドの強みは、幾度とない境地遠征をサポートした高機能アルパインウエア。アウトドアで培った機能性を日常にも応用し、トラベルウエアやデイリーウエアとして、多くの人に広まった。三浦が80歳の時に再びチャレンジしたエベレスト登頂で着用した「ヒマラヤンパーカ」と「ヒマラヤンパンツ」もゴールドウインの「The North Face」が手がけたもの。このアイテムも定番の型であり、三浦のサイズにフィットするよう合わせてつくられた。極地で未知のチャレンジを続けるアスリートの大事なサポートを担っている。
Mr. Yuichiro Miura, who is still a professional skier at the same time still active as a mountain climber, has been supported by GOLDWIN for over 10 years. The outerwear of The North Face, which he wore when he successfully climbed Mt. Everest at the age of 75, is an item he had worn all the time and it protected Mr. Miura from the world of -40 °C and particularly from the strong wind that blew mercilessly from time to time. It is an ultimate outerwear developed by GOLDWIN that supports physical functions to the maximum, using Kodenshi, a high-performance thermal material, for batting. It realized a structure that permits water vapor of sweat to penetrate outside while at the same time does not let body heat escape. Furthermore, by shutting out the wind coming from the outside while keeping the warmth, its windproof properties and heat retention functions were enhanced to the utmost limit. “It was as warm as if I was wearing a down-filled futon,” Mr. Miura looks back then. GOLDWIN had started selling The North Face products since 1978. Not only apparel, but also a wide range of products such as tents and backpacks were marketed. The North Face has blended into the Japanese lifestyle. The strengths of the brand rested with its high-performance alpine wear that supported countless expeditions in extreme environment. The functionality cultivated in outdoor garments was applied to everyday outfits, and they became popular among many people as travel clothing and daily outfits. The Himalayan Parka and Himalayan Pants worn that Mr.Miura wore when he climbed Mt. Everest again at the age of 80 were also developed by GOLDWIN and The North Face. These items were also standard types and they were made to fit Miura’s size. GOLDWIN is in charge of important support for athletes who continue to challenge the unknown in the polar region.