Knit Fabric会社は一丸となり、様々な商品開発を進め、次々と新作商品を生み出した。当時の画期的なメリヤス商品の1つに肌着のパネルシャツがある。素材は綿を使用し、内側がパネル調になっていて、凸凹しているのが特徴的。凹凸があり立体的な理由は、肌とウエアの間に空間をつくり保温性を高めるため。体の回りに空気を溜め込み、いかにそれをキープするかが重要であるため、空間をつくることは体温を保持するために必須だった。逆に、夏用の肌着は通気性に着目したネット素材の商品があった。一般消費者向けの製品に加え、スポーツ用品の開発にも注力した。この頃は、大学を主体とした学生スポーツが盛んであり、野球ユニフォームのストッキングや水着といった競技ウエアを手がけていた。業績は好調で1956年に大阪営業所、1958年には東京営業所を開設し、同時に自社ブランドであるゴールドウイン製品の生産もスタートした。1960年頃からナイロンやポリエステルといった化学繊維が登場し、西田はすかさず合繊メーカーに交渉をし、手に入れるとすぐに製品化に取り組んだ。水洗いすると縮んでしまい使い物にならなかったり、逆に大きいものになりすぎたりと幾度となく失敗を繰り返し、試行錯誤を重ね、ついに製品化に成功した。他のメリヤス会社よりも早く商品化に成功したことから注文が殺到し、製品は大いにヒットした。従業員の数は年々増加し、工場の近所でアルバイトを募ることも。夏休みや長い休暇の時期には学生や高校生も集まっていた。しかし、常に順風満帆とはいかなかった。はじめは飛ぶように売れた製品も、次第に製品が出回ると今度は返品が増えはじめた。そんな時にも会社の支えとなったのは、やはりクオリティーだ。低価格ではないが、機能性と実用性に富んだ製品は会社の財産となり、ゴールドウインのものづくりへの徹底したこだわりと断固とした姿勢は次第に消費者にも浸透していった。
The company banded together and promoted development of various products, and produced new products one after another. One of the groundbreaking knit items at the time was an underwear panel shirt. It was made of cotton and had a panel structure in the inside with distinctive roughness. The roughness with three-dimensional feature provided it a space between the skin and the wear, which could promote heat retention. Since it is important for heat-retention to collect air around the body and to keep it as much as possible, the space was essential to maintain body temperature. Conversely, some of the underwear for summer had a network structure to provide breathability. In addition to general consumer products, the company also focused on developing sportswear. In those days, competitive sports mainly based on universities were popular, and it manufactured sportswear for them like as baseball uniform stockings and swimming suits. Because the business performance had been good, it opened the Osaka sales office in 1956 and the Tokyo sales office in 1958. At the same time, it also started the production of its own brand, GOLDWIN. When chemical fiber such as nylon or polyester was developed around 1960, Nishida promptly started negotiations with synthetic fiber manufacturers to start business, and then tried the commercialization of the material. He had countless failures, for example having the fabric shrunk due to washing it, or conversely stretched out. But after repeated trial and error, he finally succeeded in the commercialization. Because he succeeded earlier than other knitwear companies, a lot of orders were coming in for the products. The number of employees had increased every year, and part-time workers were recruited in the neighborhood of the factory from time to time. College and high school students also worked part-time during summer vacations and long holidays. However, the business was not always sailing smoothly. The products sold like wildfire at the beginning, but as products gradually spread, the returns began to increase. At such times, the quality supported the business. They again realized it is important to keep the products high practicality and functionality, even though they were not inexpensive. And GOLDWIN’s commitment to manufacturing and resolute attitude gradually penetrated the consumers.