ヘリーハンセン「白石康次郎氏 世界一周ヨットウェア」
HELLY HANSEN Mr.Kojiro Shiraishi round2006年、海洋冒険家の白石康次郎氏がヨットレース「5 OCEANS CUP」にて、2位でゴールを果たした際に着用していた「HELLY HANSEN」のヨットウエア。このレースは、スペインのビルバオをスタートし、オーストラリアのフリーマントル、アメリカのノーフォークを経由しビルバオでゴールするという単独の世界一周レースだ。極限環境ではウエアの性能が生命を左右するため、ヨットの上で起り得る様々なトラブルを想定しながら開発を進め、度重なる改良が施された。夜間などに起こる突然のトラブルにも即座に対応できるよう、着脱性に特化しており、1分以内で着脱できる作りになっている。海水で身体が濡れることのないよう防水性や、転倒や飛来物などから体を守る衝撃保護性、ロープやナイフなどのライフライングッズの収納と取り出しの容易性や利便性、そして運動負荷の軽減なども考慮し、白石康次郎氏のために開発された特殊なヨットウエアだ。フードにはパットを貼り、物が飛んできた時など頭部を守ってくれ、ポケットや収納も多く、負荷のかかるすねなどには強度の高い素材を使用。機能性はもちろん、着心地や利便性、あらゆるストレスの軽減を実現させた。世界中のセイラーからも高い支持を得ている「HELLY HANSEN」は1877年、船乗りだったヘリー・ジュエル・ハンセンがリタイヤしたのち、自身の経験を生かし環境に応じたマリンウエアをデザインしたことからスタートし、防水縫製技術やウェイダー素材など、ブランドが誇る独自の高い技術を生み出してきた。ゴールドウインは1983年に「HELLY HANSEN」とライセンス契約を結び、以来マリンウエアやアウトドアアイテムなど、様々な商品開発や販売を手掛けてきた。
The “HELLY HANSEN” sailing wear that a marine adventurer Kojiro Shiraishi wore when he came in second in the “5 OCEANS CUP” sailing race in 2006. This race was a round-the-world single-handed yacht race, which started in Bilbao, Spain and finished there with two stops in Fremantle, Australia and Norfolk, USA. In the extreme environment, the life of the wearer depends on the performance of the wear, so the development of the sailing wear was carried out based on the assumption of various possible troubles on board, and improvement was made repeatedly. Special emphasis was put on the ease of putting on and taking off and its structure was made to enable putting on or taking off in one minute to make immediate response to troubles at night possible. It is a special yacht wear developed for Mr.Kojiro Shiraishi, taking into consideration waterproof properties to prevent him from getting wet, impact protection properties to protect his body against falls and flying objects, as well as ease and convenience of storing and retrieving lifeline goods, such as ropes and knives, and exercise load reduction and so on. The hood was applied with pads to protect the head area from objects that may come flying, many pockets and storage areas were created, and strong materials were used for the parts that receive heavy load, such as knees. Not to mention functionality, wearing comfort and convenience and reduction of all kinds of stress were realized. “HELLY HANSEN,” which is highly acclaimed from the sailors all over the world, was launched in 1877 by a retired sailor, Helly Jewel Hansen, when he started designing marine wear tailored to the marine environment, taking advantage of his own experiences. It has created unique high technology that the brand is proud of, such as waterproof sewing technology and wader material. GOLDWIN signed a license agreement with “HELLY HANSEN” in 1983, and since then has been involved in the development and sales of various products including marine wear and outdoor items.