Ellesse skiフザルプ社との提携で満足することはなく、前進する歩みを止めてはいけないと考え、西田はさらに上を見た。それは、当時掲げていた「世界を制覇するゴールドウイン」というスローガンを見れば一目瞭然だ。次にゴールドウインが着目したのはイタリアブランドのエレッセだった。西田は、異色のデザイン力を持つエレッセのスキーパンツについて「まるで人間の脚そのものの曲線美を描いていた」と語っている。新素材の開発や立体裁断などの新しい技術を導入し、表面的なデザインだけでなく機能性やフィット感、形態安定性をとことん追求していたエレッセからもまた、ゴールドウインのものづくりの姿勢と通ずるものがあった。なんといってもイタリアらしい独特のカラーリングが特徴的であり、見る人の目を奪う。そのカラーリングにプラスしフィット感のあるエレガンスなスキーパンツのシルエットや異素材の組み合わせなど、日本の市場では見たことのない発想も持っていた。本国のエレッセが持つ異国情緒溢れる独自の世界観をなるべく忠実に再現しつつ、オリジナルの技術を駆使し、より高品質な製品を生み出していった。スキーウエアから始まり、次第にテニスや水着など、商品の幅を広げ、それはその後のゴールドウインのものづくりにも大きな影響を与えた。早くからヨーロッパに目を向け、実際に足を運び、良いものとは何かを吟味してきたことはゴールドウインの強みだった。西田はヨーロッパで様々なものを買ってきては社員と研究し、海外の機械を買って帰り社員を驚かせることもあった。広告やCMに費やす代わりに、当時から守り続けているクオリティーをひたすら追求し続けた。バブル時期ともあって、当時の消費者の多くは良いものを着たいという価値観を持っていた。消費者はゴールドウインの良さを理解し、信頼を寄せたため、高価な製品でも勢いは衰えなかった。
GOLDWIN had signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Fusalp, but Nishida did not want to stop moving forward. He looked up even higher. His intention was expressed in the slogan employed at the time, “GOLDWIN takes on the world.” The next target was an Italian brand, ellesse. Nishida referred to the ski pants of ellesse with distinctive design capability by saying, “They have the curvaceous beauty of almost real human legs.” By the development of new materials and introduction of new technologies such as three-dimensional cutting, ellesse was pursuing not only superficial design, but also functionality, fitting feel and shape stability to the end. This attitude was similar to the GOLDWIN’s approach to manufacturing. More than anything, ellesse’s distinctive Italian coloring catches the eyes of the people. In addition to the coloring, it also had ideas that no one would have ever seen in Japanese market, such as elegant ski pants silhouette with fitting feel and combined use of different materials. While faithfully reproducing the unique world full of exoticism that ellesse had in its home country, GOLDWIN used its original technology fully to produce even higher quality products. Beginning with ski wear, the product range gradually expanded to include tennis wear, swim wear, etc., which had a great influence on the manufacturing of GOLDWIN later on. The strength of GOLDWIN rests with the fact that Nishida turned his eyes to Europe early on, and actually went there and carefully considered what great products were. Nishida bought a variety of things in Europe, which he brought home and studied with his employees. He sometimes surprised his employees by coming home with machines he had bought overseas. Instead of spending money on advertisements and commercials, he kept pursuing higher level of quality which was maintained from the beginning. Thanks to the bubble economy, many consumers had values that they desired to wear nice clothes. Since consumers understood superior quality of GOLDWIN and GOLDWIN won their confidence, its momentum did not wane even with expensive products.